Samaritan Workz App
Powered by Hope
Launching 3rd Qtr 2024
Samaritan Workz App... bringing Valor and Kindness to scale!
Using the Samaritan Workz mobile app, students and teachers issue “Samaritan Citations” to award people they observe or have become aware of doing workz for the benefit of their communities. We recognize students and teachers who report or perform workz by awarding Valiant tokens, which they can redeem for eGift Card services and products provided by local and national merchants.
How the Samaritan App Works
The free and opensource Samaritan app offers a seamless experience, and it's incredibly easy to navigate without any need to download. Compatible with any smartphone—be it a Samsung, iPhone, or others—and accessible through popular browsers such as Chrome or Firefox, you're just a click away from connecting with our vibrant community. Unlock the Power of Samaritan Workz: Dive into our Workz feature, a digital space where students and educators come together to showcase, celebrate, and amplify acts of valor and compassion in their neighborhoods. Stay updated, view your achievements, and relish the stories of hope and positivity through your personalized dashboard. Awarded as You Serve: For every act of goodwill, collect Valiants - our way of saying 'Thank You'. Accumulate these in your Awards Account and soon you'll find yourself indulging in delightful treats! Swap your Valiants for eGift Cards and enjoy offers ranging from cozy dinners to thrilling entertainment experiences. Wear Many Hats: Whether you're a storyteller (Reporter), a kind-hearted perfomer of good worz (Samaritan), a critical thinker (Reviewer), or a cheerleader (Booster) - there's a role for you! So, whether you've got hours or mere minutes, your contribution is invaluable. Come on board, and let's weave a tapestry of valor, kindness and community, one act at a time. Learn more about the Samaritan app here: